
Aarmr MacBook

The Results

Website Traffic


AARMR was able to generate website traffic of 2,50,860 with the help of our marketing strategies. Constant monitoring of insights and analysis led the brand to become India’s first lifestyle protective gear brand. Our lead generation strategies increased the brand value of AARMR on the digital platform which resulted in achieving 12x ROAS.


AARMR is a Desmania designed & India’s first protective gear brand aiming to create a social impact among the frontline health workers, delivery executives and travellers.
AARMR was struggling to grow the visibility of protective gears in the digital market. Our client wanted us to implement marketing strategies to position protective gear to their target audience. Our digital marketing experts took this as a challenge and aimed to quickly place the brand in the digital market by implementing digital marketing strategies.
Our professionals planned a 360-degree digital marketing strategy for AARMR. A social media presence was created to make the product reach the target audience. We decided to run Google Ads, Facebook Ads & Instagram Promotion at once. Additionally, we created high-quality videos and graphic designs to generate value through social media. On reaching the target audience, we launched occasional SALES and OFFERS to improve the performance.

Website Design & Dev.

gif maker
HEX- #105165
gif maker

HEX- #bb7d8e

gif maker


Open Sans

Social Media Marketing

Say hi to Ankit,
our director of
new partnerships

Founder Ankit Sharma

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